International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences (IJCMAS)
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Editorial Policy

Consent For Identifying Information

Guidelines for Use of Patient Images or Case Details:

In adherence to the COPE guidelines and to respect the privacy rights of individuals, IJCMAS has formulated the following guidelines for the use of patient images or case details:

  1. Informed Consent:
    • For the publication of case details, photographs, and other potentially identifying or sensitive patient information, authors must obtain explicit, written, informed consent from the individual (or their legal guardian).
    • The consent form should clearly state that the patient details will be published in a way that they will be freely available on the internet and may be seen by the general public. The individual should be made aware of what will be published, including pictures, videos, and text.
  2. Anonymization of Data:
    • Authors should make efforts to anonymize data as much as possible, including text, images, and videos.
    • Identifying details (such as names, dates of birth, or specific locations) must be omitted from the manuscript unless they are essential for scientific purposes and the individual (or parent or guardian) has given explicit written consent for publication.
  3. Ethical Approval:
    • Research involving patient data should have been approved by an appropriate ethics committee or institutional review board.
  4. Verification:
    • Editors reserve the right to ask authors to provide consent forms or other documentation related to ethical approval, anonymization, or data collection.

Failure to obtain informed consent for the publication of patient details will result in the immediate rejection of the manuscript. If a violation of this policy is discovered after publication, the paper may be retracted, and appropriate notifications will be sent to the authors' institutions and/or professional regulatory bodies.