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Original Research Articles                      Volume : 6, Issue:11, November, 2017

PRINT ISSN : 2319-7692
Online ISSN : 2319-7706
Issues : 12 per year
Publisher : Excellent Publishers
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Editor-in-chief: Dr.M.Prakash
Index Copernicus ICV 2018: 95.39
NAAS RATING 2020: 5.38

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci.2017.6(11): 3902-3911

Flowering and Fruiting Behaviour of Some Guava Genotypes under East and South East Coastal Plain Zone of Odisha, India
J. Sahoo1, R.K. Tarai2*, B.K. Sethy2, A.K. Sahoo2, S.C. Swain1 and D. Dash1
1Department of Fruit Science, College of Agriculture, Orissa University of Agriculture
and Technology, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
2College of Horticulture, Chiplima, Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology-768025, Odisha, India
*Corresponding author

The flowering and fruiting behaviour of eight guava genotypes viz. Hisar Safeda, Pant Prabhat, Shweta, Hisar Surkha, L-49, Banaras Round, Allahabad Safeda and HRS Pride were studied at Horticultural Research Station, Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar in both rainy and winter season during 2015-16 and 2016-17.During rainy season (Ambe bahar crop), flowering occurred during the period from 3rd week of February to 1st week of May (for 44 to 51 days) while during winter season (Mrig bahar crop) it was seen during the period from 2nd week of July to 3rd week of September (for 48 to 52 days). In both the season, Hisar Surkha took shortest days for attainment of flower bud development (27 to 32 days) while longest duration for flower bud development was recorded in Banaras Round (36 days) during rainy season and HRS Pride (40 days) during rainy season. The shortest period from flowering to fruit maturity was recorded in Hisar Surkha (during rainy season) and L-49(during winter season), while it was recorded longest in Pant Prabhat during both the season. The final fruit retention percentage was found maximum in Pant Prabhat (67.00 %) during rainy season and Shweta (60.67%) during winter season. The fruit weight was found maximum in Pant Prabhat (147.63 g during rainy and 150.60 g during winter season) and minimum in Banaras Round (106.73 g during rainy season and 112.37 g in Hisar Safeda). The number of fruits per plant varied significantly and was recorded highest in Pant Prabhat (99.00) and Shweta (96.00) and lowest in Allahabad Safeda (52.00) and Hisar Surkha (39.67) during rainy and winter season respectively. The yield per plant varied significantly and recorded maximum in Pant Prabhat (14.67 kg) during rainy season and in Shweta (13.98 kg) during winter. During rainy season, highest yield was found in Pant Prabhat (58.68 q/ha) and it was observed lowest in Allahabad Safeda (22.47 q/ha) during rainy season. During winter season Shweta (55.90 q/ha) and Hisar Surkha (15.63 q/ha) were assessed to be highest and lowest yielder respectively.

Keywords: Flowering, Fruit set, Maturity, Drop, Yield, Guava, Genotypes.

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How to cite this article:

Sahoo, J., R.K. Tarai, B.K. Sethy, A.K. Sahoo, S.C. Swain and Dash, D. 2017. Flowering and Fruiting Behaviour of Some Guava Genotypes under East and South East Coastal Plain Zone of Odisha.Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 6(11): 3902-3911. doi:
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