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Original Research Articles                      Volume : 13, Issue:7, July, 2024

PRINT ISSN : 2319-7692
Online ISSN : 2319-7706
Issues : 12 per year
Publisher : Excellent Publishers
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Editor-in-chief: Dr.M.Prakash
Index Copernicus ICV 2018: 95.39
NAAS RATING 2020: 5.38

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci.2024.13(7): 160-169

The Effect of Introduction of Pneumococcal Conjugate 13 Valent Vaccine on Severe Pneumonia among Hospitalized Children Under-Two years old
Nurallah Elnaji Ahmed1*, Ibrahim Ali Adlan2,Ahmed Sarar Mohamed3 and Omer Saeed Magzoub4
1Pediatric Consultant, Pediatric Specialized Hospital, Elobeid, Sudan
2Associated Professor of Pediatric & Child Health, National University, Sudan
3College of Medicine, National University, Khartoum, Sudan
4Pediatric Specialist, Ain Al-Khaleej Hospital, UAE
*Corresponding author

Severe pneumonia in children is a major forgotten killer globally. In Sudan the incidence among under-five children is 19% and it represents 27% of causes of hospital admission. Pneumonia is responsible for 10% of hospital deaths among under-five. Each year, more than 2 million children under-five die of pneumonia in the developing world. Objectives: The study has been conducted on Omdurman Pediatric Hospital; in the period from April to October 2014 to determine the effect of introduction of Pneumococcal Conjugated Vaccine (PCV13) on severe pneumonia in the second year after introduction of the vaccine in Sudan.375 children admitted in the hospital with severe pneumonia were included in the study. The study aimed to determine the coverage rate of the vaccine, the characteristics, pattern and presentation of severe pneumonia and to assess the prognosis and course of the disease among the vaccinated compared to non-vaccinated children. Methods: This study is a descriptive case finding clinical study among children who are categorized clinically as severe pneumonia at Omdurman Pediatrics Hospital, Sudan, according to discharge diagnosis in medical records with clinical evidence of severe pneumonia, in children between two and 24 months of age. The follow up of patient and information obtained after taking appropriate consents from guardian. Data analysis: The collected data was analyzed by computer using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version (16). The result obtained being presented in graphs and tables. Result: 375 children between 2-24 months of age were included. The patients less than 12 months of age were 268 represents 71.4% of the total number of patient. The total coverage rate of vaccination with PCV13 was 73.6%. The coverage rate of vaccination with first dose, second dose and third dose was 73.6%, 62.1%, and 48.3% respectively. There were no significant statistical differences in relation to age, sex, and length of stay in hospital, but the prognosis and outcome was significantly different between the vaccinated and non-vaccinated patients. The number of died patients was 19 and the case fatality rate was (5.06%). Conclusion: The coverage rate of the PCV13 was low because the vaccines have been introduced recently. The vaccination with PCV13 affects the invasiveness of the severe pneumonia infection, course, prognosis and outcome significantly.

Keywords: Pneumococcal conjugate 13 valent vaccine, severe pneumonia, children


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Nurallah Elnaji Ahmed, Ibrahim Ali Adlan, Ahmed Sarar Mohamed and Omer Saeed Magzoub. 2024. The Effect of Introduction of Pneumococcal Conjugate 13 Valent Vaccine on Severe Pneumonia among Hospitalized Children Under-Two years old.Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 13(7): 160-169. doi:
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