PRINT ISSN : 2319-7692
Online ISSN : 2319-7706 Issues : 12 per year Publisher : Excellent Publishers Email : editorijcmas@gmail.com / submit@ijcmas.com Editor-in-chief: Dr.M.Prakash Index Copernicus ICV 2018: 95.39 NAAS RATING 2020: 5.38 |
India is the world’s largest producer of pomegranate followed by Iran, Turkey, Spain, China, Morocco, Afghanistan, Japan, Greece, France, Armenia, Egypt, Italy and Palestine. Karnataka stands second largest pomegranate producing state in the country with an area of 28,090ha, production of about 3,28,920 tonnes and productivity of 11.71 MT per hectare. The major producing districts are Chitradurga, Vijayapura, Tumkuru, Dharwad, Bagalkote and Koppal (Horticulture statistics at a glance, 2017). The present study was undertaken in Chitradurga district, where area under pomegranate was significant. Among the six taluks in Chitradurga district, three taluks Viz., Hiriyur, Hosadurga and Challakere were selected for the study based on the highest acreage under the crop. Primary data was collected from the 90 sample respondents in the study area and the secondary data related to district wise area, production and productivity was collected from District Horticulture office. Tabular analysis was adopted to compile the cropping pattern of the sample farmers, Simple statistical tools like averages and percentages were used to interpret results properly. The data obtained on area, production and productivity of pomegranate. The results indicated that there was positive growth under pomegranate area at state level (29.64%) and in the Chitradurga district (33.20%). With respect to production also a positive trend of 32.95 per cent in the state level and 34.93 per cent in Chitradurga. The positive growth in production observed was due to increase in area under pomegranate cultivation. Productivity growth was also shown positive but at an increased growth rate of 2.55 per cent in Karnataka state and 3.54 per cent in Chitradurga district.