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Original Research Articles                      Volume : 10, Issue:9, September, 2021

PRINT ISSN : 2319-7692
Online ISSN : 2319-7706
Issues : 12 per year
Publisher : Excellent Publishers
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Editor-in-chief: Dr.M.Prakash
Index Copernicus ICV 2018: 95.39
NAAS RATING 2020: 5.38

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci.2021.10(9): 441-447

Comparison of Major Biological Characteristics and Adaptations of three Sand Pear Varieties in Hubei Province of China
Tian-Zhi Gong, Feng Xu and Guiyuan Wang*
Yangtze University, College of Horticulture and Gardening, Jingzhou, Hubei 434020, China
*Corresponding author

The growth performance and adaptability of 'Chang Li No.1', 'Cui Guan' and 'Yuan Huang' after their planted in the first and third years were investigated. The results showed that:(1) The first year after the bud seedling planted, in plant height aspect, 'Yuan Huang' was the highest about 164.4cm, 'Cui Guan' was the lowest about 116.4cm; in leaf number aspect, ‘Chang Li No.1’ was the least about 11, ‘Cui Guan’ and 'Yuan Huang' were equivalent; in rate of survival, the survival rate of ‘Chang Li No.1’ was the highest about 82.4%, however, the survival rate of 'Cui Guan' and 'Yuan Huang' were 64.9% and 62.1% respectively; (2) The third year after planted, in plant height aspect, 'Yuan Huang' was the highest about 3.46 m, ‘Cui Guan’ and ‘Chang Li No.1’ were 2.72 m and 2.65 m respectively; in crown diameter aspect, 'Yuan Huang’ was the largest, ‘Cui Guan’ and ‘Chang Li No.1’ were equivalent; (3) In the number of annual branches, 'Yuan Huang' was the largest whatever long, medium or short branches, and that of ‘Cui Guan’ and ‘Chang Li No.1’ were equivalent; (4) In the number of inflorescence per plant, 'Yuan Huang' was the most up to 81 clusters, ‘Cui Guan’ was middle about 48 clusters, ‘Chang Li No.1’ was the least only 28 clusters; in the number of inflorescence flowers aspect, ‘Chang Li No.1’ was the largest about 9, 'Yuan Huang' and 'Cui Guan' were equal only 7; (5) In phenological period, ‘Cui Guan’ and ‘Chang Li No.1’ were similar, 'Yuan Huang' was about 5 days later than that of ‘Cui Guan’ and ‘Chang Li No.1’, and their fruit maturity was about 10 days different each other; (6)In damage by insects expression, 'Yuan Huang' was the lightest, next to ‘Cui Guan’, ‘Chang Li No.1’ was the most serious. Thus it could be seen, ‘Yuan Huang’ had the strongest adaptability in Hubei province, and ‘Chang Li No.1’ had the weakest adaptability in Hubei province of China.

Keywords: Yuan Huang;Cui Guan; Chang Li No.1’; Growth characteristics; Adaptability

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How to cite this article:

Tian-zhi Gong, Feng Xu and Guiyuan Wang. 2021. Comparison of Major Biological Characteristics and Adaptations of Three Sand Pear Varieties in Hubei Province of China.Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 10(9): 441-447. doi:
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