PRINT ISSN : 2319-7692
Online ISSN : 2319-7706 Issues : 12 per year Publisher : Excellent Publishers Email : editorijcmas@gmail.com / submit@ijcmas.com Editor-in-chief: Dr.M.Prakash Index Copernicus ICV 2018: 95.39 NAAS RATING 2020: 5.38 |
The present study was carried out on adoption of housing management practices of dairy animals, reared by 200 farmers’ viz: villages of the Maitha, Akbarpur and Derapur and Rasulabad blocks of Kanpur Dehat. This is presented in central plane zone of Uttar Pradesh state. Regarding housing management for cattle the dairy farmers followed the practices of housing, there were 52.5% of farmers establish their shed inside the dwelling house and 47.5% farmers cattle shed outside from home. 58% farmers adopted loose housing and 27.50% farmers kept their cattle below the tree. 14.50% farmers adopted of conventional type housing system. 64.00% farmers had pucca house, and kucha type 36.00%. 26.00% farmers adopted the pucca type roof and galvanized iron sheet for roofing 25.00%, thatched roofing 20.00% and asbestos roofing 17.50% and followed by without roofing only 11.50%. 45.00% of farmers having bricks floor space, which was followed by 27.50%, adopted concrete floor and 27.5% having mud floor. 84.5% farmers provided adequate availability of floor space which was followed by inadequate floor space provided 15.50%. 44.5% farmers used pucca type manger. 34.5% farmers having plastic drum or bamboo basket type manger used whereas 21.0% farmers adopted kuchha type manger. 51.5% farmers provided the satisfactory lightings to the dairy housing which was followed by good used 31.0% whereas poor quality type light used as only 17.5%. 47.0% of farmers were used hand pump which was followed by the 33.5% farmers also used electric pump, whereas 19.5% having both facility. 51.5% per cent of farmers shown the satisfactory drainage management, which was followed by good drainage 31.0% and 17.0% poor drainage. 65.0% farmers adopted adequate ventilation, which was followed by inadequate ventilation inside dairy houses were 35.0%. During the summer season 27.0% of farmers bathing their animals from water and 22.5% farmer was providing the exhaust fans and 20.0% of farmers applied thatched on roofing, 18.0% of farmers wallowing animals from pond and 12.0% farmers has no measures applied for summer management. During winter season 30.0% of farmers provided the grass and dung smolder for kept worm to the animals and 29.0% farmers to provide the bedding material and 28.5% of farmers provide gunny bags only 12.0% farmers were no applied any measures for cold weather conditions. In case of cleaning and sanitation 61.0% per cent farmers were kept the satisfactory and 20.00% good, and 19.00% poor cleaning and sanitation condition of their cattle shed.