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Original Research Articles                      Volume : 9, Issue:7, July, 2020

PRINT ISSN : 2319-7692
Online ISSN : 2319-7706
Issues : 12 per year
Publisher : Excellent Publishers
Email : /
Editor-in-chief: Dr.M.Prakash
Index Copernicus ICV 2018: 95.39
NAAS RATING 2020: 5.38

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci.2020.9(7): 2636-2649

Species Composition, Meteorological and Zoogeographical Aspects of the Horsefly Fauna (Diptera: Tabanidae) in the Western Ghats, Karnataka, India
R. B. Metri*, G. C. Puttalakshmamma, N. L. Jaya, P. E. D’ Souza and M. L. Satyanarayana
Department of Veterinary Parasitology, Veterinary College, KVAFSU, Hebbal, Bangalore, Karnataka, India-560024
*Corresponding author

A study was conducted to record the species composition, meteorological and zoogeographical aspects of horsefly fauna of Western ghats Belagavi division, Karnataka state, India from March 2019 to February 2020. A total of 912 flies were collected from 67 villages under 14 talukas in all the three seasons of the year. The study showed a total of 20 species of tabanids belonging to 5 genera of 3 subfamilies. The highest number of tabanid flies (55%) were collected from talukas covered by Sahyadri mountains with their habitats including moist deciduous, evergreen forests, followed by 34% flies were collected from talukas with habitats including plains, dry and moist deciduous forests, agricultural flatland and least number of flies (12%) were collected from talukas with their habitat including coastline with evergreen and moist deciduous forests. Tabanus was the most dominant genus recorded in all the three zones. The highest number of flies were collected from Khanapur taluka. The highest number of species were recorded from Hukkeri taluka. In the present study, investigated the effects of meteorological and zoogeographical factors on the abundance of tabanids in the Western ghats region Karnataka, India.

Keywords: Diptera, Tabanidae, Meteorology, Zoogeography, Western ghats

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How to cite this article:

Metri, R. B., G. C. Puttalakshmamma, N. L. Jaya, P. E. D’ Souza and Satyanarayana, M. L. 2020. Species Composition, Meteorological and Zoogeographical Aspects of the Horsefly Fauna (Diptera: Tabanidae) in the Western Ghats, Karnataka, India.Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 9(7): 2636-2649. doi:
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