Assessment of Antagonistic Activity in PGPR Isolates against Alternaria solani causing Early Blight of Potato
Ashutosh Tiwari1, Adesh Kumar1*, Minakshi1, Shambhoo Prasad1, D. K. Dwivedi1,N. A. Khan1, Arun Kumar2, Ved Prakash3, Jaipal4, Sushil Kumar Singh5, Pankaj Kumar6 and Abhimanyu Yadav7
1Department of Plant molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering, ANDUAT Kumarganj, Ayodhya -224229, India
2PBR Agriculture college, Gausganj, Hardoi, India
3Department of Soil Science, ANDUAT, Kumarganj, Ayodhya -224229
4UPCAR, Lucknow, India
5Department of Plant Pathology, ANDUAT Kumarganj, Ayodhya -224229, India
6Directorate of Extension, ANDUAT Kumarganj, Ayodhya -224229, India
7Department of Soil Science & Agril Chemistry, P G. College Ghazipur U.P India
*Corresponding author
In the present study, the fungus was isolated from infected leaf of potato and identified as Alternaria solani. Twenty four bacterial strains isolated from potato rhizosphere on PDA media. The screening of all 24 potato rhizosphere isolates for IAA, phosphate solubilization, Insecticide tolerance, salt tolerance, antibiotic sensitivity and ammonia production was performed. Out of these isolates, only four isolates (5, 15, 16 and 23) showed high inhibitory effect on the pathogenic fungus in dual culture. PGPR isolate no 5 showed highest 95% inhibition against Alternaria solani.
Keywords: Antagonistic Activity, Alternaria solani Early Blight of Potato
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How to cite this article:
Ashutosh Tiwari, Adesh Kumar, Minakshi, Shambhoo Prasad, D. K. Dwivedi, N. A. Khan, Arun Kumar, Ved Prakash, Jaipal, Sushil Kumar Singh Pankaj Kumar and Abhimanyu Yadav. 2020. Assessment of Antagonistic Activity in PGPR Isolates against Alternaria solani causing Early Blight of Potato.
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 9(7): 1851-1855. doi: