PRINT ISSN : 2319-7692
Online ISSN : 2319-7706 Issues : 12 per year Publisher : Excellent Publishers Email : editorijcmas@gmail.com / submit@ijcmas.com Editor-in-chief: Dr.M.Prakash Index Copernicus ICV 2018: 95.39 NAAS RATING 2020: 5.38 |
Power Operated Pea Sheller machine was developed by us considering the need of rural farmers. There are three types of shelling methods are available such as roller method, tumbler method and shearing method but out of this we selected roller method because it is oldest patented method and the gap between roller can be easily adjusted by screw mechanism. Developed machine is based on the principle of friction generated by the rubbing of pea pods between the two rollers. Machine fabricated by using the low cost material available in market. Test of designed machine carried at initially level and it was observed that at 50 rpm roller speed and clearance between two rollers 2-3 mm with blanched peas at temp of 980C for time period 1.5 minute was best suited for depoding of peas from pods. The same machine was tested for unbalanced peas and it was observed that 1200 rpm roller speed and gap between two rollers was 3-4 mm best suited having average throughout capacity was 69 kg/h. Performance evaluation of machine will be done to optimize machine parameters such as peripheral speed of rollers, for blanched and unbalanced peas. Shelled bean weight for blanched peas was 72 kg/h (67.8 kg whole bean &4.002 kg damaged pea beans). There was no any part unshelled for blanched peas and damage of pea beans was found 4.002kg/h. so for blanched peas shelling efficiency near about 95.8%. While for unblanched peas, shelled bean weight 69 kg/h (64.9 kg whole pea beans & 6.64 kg damaged), 3 kg/hr unshelled pea pods were found in power operated pea sheller. So shelling efficiency 90% for unblanched peas.