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PRINT ISSN : 2319-7692
Online ISSN : 2319-7706 Issues : 12 per year Publisher : Excellent Publishers Email : editorijcmas@gmail.com / submit@ijcmas.com Editor-in-chief: Dr.M.Prakash Index Copernicus ICV 2018: 95.39 NAAS RATING 2020: 5.38 |
Terrestrial ecosystems consist of above- and below-ground components that interact to influence community- and ecosystem-level processes and properties. Soils act as the most important medium between these linkages. These input-output systems influence the soil physico-chemical conditions, diversity and activity of soil biota that are responsible for innumerable processes that occur in the soil. Micro-organisms are the main source of enzymes in soils and a large group of other enzymes are also secreted by the plants in their rhizospheric zone. The composition of soil microbial communities strongly affects the potential of a soil for enzyme-mediated substrate catalysis that determine the soil quality and catalyzes the biochemical processes important in soil functioning such as nutrient mineralization, cycling of nutrients like N, P, S and other essential metals, decomposition and formation of soil organic matter. Soil microbiota and enzymes are sensitive to any external disturbances thus serve as a good indicator for soil quality, changes in any land management as well as indirect assessment of the activity of a specific group of microorganisms in the soil. Due to indigenous shifting cultivation (slash and burn practices) on hill slopes there is mass loss of above-ground biodiversity and thereby breakdown of linkages between above- and below-ground communities, which may lead to alteration of the mechanism of relationship between functional microbial groups and soil processes.. Burning had significant negative effect on the activity of DHA, GSA, PHA, except ASA indicating higher activity in burnt soil. Introduction of rice crop had significant positive influence on the activity of soil enzymes and soil process indicators. There was significant positive interaction on burning and cropping on soil enzymes activities soil process indicators. There was a significant difference in the activity of soil enzymes and soil process indicators among the microbial inoculants treatment soil process indicators. There was significant positive interaction between burnt and microbial inoculants or cropping and microbial inoculants.
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