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Original Research Articles                      Volume : 6, Issue:2, February, 2017

PRINT ISSN : 2319-7692
Online ISSN : 2319-7706
Issues : 12 per year
Publisher : Excellent Publishers
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Editor-in-chief: Dr.M.Prakash
Index Copernicus ICV 2018: 95.39
NAAS RATING 2020: 5.38

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci.2017.6(2): 494-502

Environmental Influence under Off-season Production on Yield and Quality Attributes of Mango
A.Kaviarasu1*, S. Balakrishnan2 and K. Indirakumar3
1Department of Horticulture, Thanthai Roever Institute of Agriculture and
Rural Development, Perambalur- 621 115, India
Department of fruit science, Horticulture College and Research Institute,Tamil Nadu - 641003, India
3Department of Agricultural Entomology, Thanthai Roever Institute of Agriculture and Rural Development, Perambalur - 621 115, India
*Corresponding author

An experiment was conducted at the State Horticulture Farm Kanyakumari in eighteen regular off-season bearing varieties where flowering is observed during August, September, October, November months with the fruiting period during December-January were selected for this study. The off-season bearing varieties are Neelum, Kalepad, Bangalora, Banganapalli, Himayuddin, Nadan, Panchavarnam, Rumani, Dilpasand, Kalkachi, Jehangir, Pairi, Panikanadan, Khudadad, Athimathuram, Mulgoa, Alphonso and Surangudi. The off-season flowering is a peculiar phenomenon in Tamilnadu because continuous flowering, fruiting and vegetative production can be seen simultaneously in Kanyakumari. The off-season flowering is usually observed during July-August and harvesting of fruits is usually done during December-January. While most of the varieties shows some peculiar characters in fruit yield and quality attributes it plays a vital role in post harvest self- life in preserving quality. The highest yield was recorded in Bangalora (520.80 Kg/tree). It recorded maximum fruit length (22.60 cm), fruit girth (33.30 cm), fruit volume (469.50 ml), fruit weight (471.50 g) and number of fruits per tree (560.00). Bangalora recorded the highest TSS (20.50° Brix), total sugars (18.16 %), reducing sugars (7.83 %), non reducing sugars (10.34 %), carotene content (60.25 mg/kg), titrable acidity (0.49 %) and ascorbic acid content (37.18 mg/100g). The maximum temperature (29.9 to 32.9°C), diurnal variation (6.9°C), relative humidity (76.6 %), rainfall (159.53 mm), wind velocity (6.13 kmph) and sunshine hours (437.05) were highly conducive for off-season flowering in Kanyakumari.

Keywords: Off-season, yield attributes, Quality attributes and Meteorological parameter.

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How to cite this article:

Kaviarasu, A., S. Balakrishnan and Indirakumar, K. 2017. Environmental Influence under Off-season Production on Yield and Quality Attributes of MangoInt.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 6(2): 494-502. doi:
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