PRINT ISSN : 2319-7692
Online ISSN : 2319-7706 Issues : 12 per year Publisher : Excellent Publishers Email : editorijcmas@gmail.com / submit@ijcmas.com Editor-in-chief: Dr.M.Prakash Index Copernicus ICV 2018: 95.39 NAAS RATING 2020: 5.38 |
Five strains of oyster mushroom were tested for various parameters such as spawn run days, pin head initiation days, days taken for first harvest, fruit body/bag, and average weight of fruit body, yield and biological efficiency. Results indicate that highest biological efficiency was recorded in strain R-13-13-05 (96.6 %) followed by strain R-13-13-07 (75.3 %), R-13-13-03 (74.8 %) and R-51 (66.4 %), respectively, and Lowest BR was observed in strain R-13-13-04 (58.4 %) among all the tested strains. Days required for spawn was minimum in strain R-13-13-05 (only 17 days) followed by R-13-13-04 (only 17.67 days), strains R-13-13-07, R-51 (only 18.67 days) and strain R-13-13-03 (only 19.83 days), respectively. Maximum required days, for spawn run, were recorded in strain R-13-13-3 (total 20.33 days). Pin head initiation was first reported in strain R-13-13-5 (within 20.67 days) followed by strain R-51 (within 23.50 days), strains R-13-13-04 (within 24.17 days) and strain R-13-13-03 (within 24.67 days), respectively. Maximum days, required for pin head initiation, were in strain R-13-13-07 (within 25.0 days). First harvesting was done in strain R-13-13-05 (after 25.33 days of spawning) followed by strains R-13-13-03, R-13-13-07, R-51 and R-13-13-04 (after 27.33, 27.33, 27.50, 29.50 days of spawning, respectively). Among all the strains, tested in the experiment, strain R-13-13-07 recorded highest fruit body weight (per fruit body 26.55 g) followed by R-13-13-04 (25.50 g), strains R-13-13-05, (19.86g ) and R-51 (17.33 g ), respectively. Lowest weight, per fruit body, was recorded in strain R-13-13-03 (14.52 g). Strain R-13-13-03 yielded maximum fruit body (61.33 fruits/bag) followed by R-51 (60.33 fruit body/bag), strain R-13-13-04 (51.50 fruit body/ bag) and R-13-13-05 (51.33 fruit body/bag), respectively. Minimum fruit body was yielded in strain R-13-13-07 (31.0 fruit body/bag).