International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences
ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 2 Number 9 (2013) pp. 267-276
Screening of Linseed Genotypes for Resistance against Budfly, Alternaria and Powdery mildew, Genetic parameters for Yield Components in Linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.)
M. P. Reddy1* , B. Rajasekhar reddy2 and J.J. Maheshwari3
1AICRP on Linseed, College of Agriculture, Dr.PDKV Akola, Nagpur, M.S, India 1Section of Botany, College of Agriculture, Dr. PDKV Akola, Nagpur, M.S, India 2Department of Horticulture, Banaras Hindu University, I. Ag. Sc., Varanasi, India 3Section of Botany, College of Agriculture, Dr. PDKV Akola, Nagpur, India *Corresponding author e-mail:;
In this study genotypes were screened on field conditions to evaluate genotypes for resistance to bud fly, Alternaria blight and powdery mildew. The results revealed that the pest and diseases for parents ranged from 11.39 (EC544) to 59.54 (ES44) and 5.34 (Neelum) to 17.68 (ES44) for budfly and Alternaria blight. Among the hybrids Padmini x Ayogi and PKVNL-260 X EC9825 were found to be resistant to budfly infestation and Alternaria infestation. PKVNL260, PKDL18, KL178, LCK8605, A125, Karthika x Ayogi, Padmini x Ayogi, PKVNL260 x ACC NO4/47 and Padmini x ACC NO4/47 were found to be resistant to powdery mildew under field conditions and therefore, have the potential to reduce the yield losses because of these diseases and pest in the field. The heredity and expected genetic advance estimates were high for number of primary branches, 1000 seed weight, seed yield per plant and budfly incidence. The traits with high heritability and high genetic advance may be subjected to mass or progeny or family selection or any selection scheme, aimed at exploiting additive (fixable) genetic variance, a widely adapted genotype can be developed, possessing good quality and high productivity.
Resistance; Budfly; Alternaria; Powdery mildew; Heritability; Genetic advance.