International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences
ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 2 Number 10 (2013) pp. 135-141
Diversity of Soil Fungi from Thiruvarur District, Tamil Nadu, India
N. Uma Maheswari* and R. Komalavalli
P.G and Research and Department of Microbiology and A Division of Biotechnology, Mannardgudi- 612 001, Tamil Nadu, India
The present study aimed, isolation and identification of soil fungi from seven taluk of Thiruvarur District, Tamil Nadu deals with diversity and distribution of fungal population in an around soil. The physico-chemical parameters of such soils were identified the physical parameters includes the analysis of pH and moisture content of the soil. The chemical such as macro nutrients (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Calcium) and micronutrients (Iron, Copper, Zinc, Manganese) were present in seven different Taluk of Thiruvarur District. Totally 35 different species of soil fungi were observed from the soil samples, they were collected from Thiruvarur, Needamangalam, Mannargudi, Valangaiman, Nannilam, Kudavasal and Thiruthuraipoondi Taluk. Among that the identified fungal species like Aspergillus sp, Pencillium sp, Trichoderma sp Rhizopus sp. were predominant in all the soil samples. They are dependent on the nature of substrate and temporal regions that favour the colonization, growth and substrate possession of the fungi. Population of soil fungi might also get affected by climate. Soil can be managed to optimize its fertility and health under natural and agricultural land uses, so as to benefit to fungal diversity. Due to the dispersed nature of the soil asset, a broad but consistent and economically appealing approach to its protection is needed. Fungal species are especially important components of biodiversity as major contributors to the maintenance of the earth s ecosystem, biosphere and biogeochemical cycle fungi perform unique and indispensible activities on which larger organisms including human depend. General ideas about species diversity suggest that habitat heterogeneity is a major factor controlling diversity.
Fungal diversity; Thiruvarur District; Physico- chemical properties; Conidial population