PRINT ISSN : 2319-7692
Online ISSN : 2319-7706 Issues : 12 per year Publisher : Excellent Publishers Email : editorijcmas@gmail.com / submit@ijcmas.com Editor-in-chief: Dr.M.Prakash Index Copernicus ICV 2018: 95.39 NAAS RATING 2020: 5.38 |
The present study was conducted to assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching among Nursing Students regarding Basic Life Support (BLS) in Selected Colleges of Nursing, Ludhiana Punjab. The objective of the study were To assess the pre-test knowledge score regarding basic life support among nursing students in control and experimental group, To assess the post -test knowledge score regarding basic life support among nursing students in control and experimental group, To compare the pre and post-test knowledge score regarding basic life support among nursing students in control and experimental group, To find out the relationship between the pre and post-test knowledge score regarding basic life support among nursing students in control and experimental group with selected variables i.e. Age, Habitat, Clinical posting, Area of clinical exposure to B.L.S, Duration of clinical exposure and Source of Information. The conceptual framework of study was based on ‘Ludwig Von Bertalanffy1968’. This theory describe about input, throughput, output and feedback. The research approach adopted for this study was quasi experimental (non- equivalent control group pretest- posttest design). Investigator selected a sample of 60 nursing students, 30 for experimental group and 30 for control group by using purposive sampling technique. The independent variables included in the study are Age, Clinical Posting, and Area of Clinical Exposure, Duration of Clinical Exposure, habitat and Source of Information. Structure Teaching on basic life support. The dependent variable was knowledge score regarding basic life support among nursing students. A structured multiple choice questionnaire was prepared to assess the knowledge among nursing students regarding basic life support. The tool consists of following three parts:- first part consisted of demographic data, second part consists of structured multiple choice questions to assess the knowledge of nursing students regarding basic life support third part consisted of structure teaching,. Descriptive and inferential statistics was used to analyze the data. Bar diagrams were used to depicts the finding. The study findings were the pre- test mean knowledge score in control and experimental group were (17.80, 17.13) and post- test mean knowledge score were (17.43, 27.03) it was inferred that post -test mean knowledge score was high in experimental than in the control group. Majority of the nursing students in control and experiment group had average pre test knowledge score 22(77.34 %), 16(53.34%). In experimental group majority of nursing students 20 (66.66%) had good knowledge score and 4(13.34%) had excellent knowledge score, 6 (20%). So it was inferred that teaching had a definite impact on knowledge of nursing students regarding basic life support. Independent Variables had no impact on knowledge regarding basic life support. Based on the results of the study the following recommendations have been made for further study. A study can be replicated on large scale to validate and generalize the findings, similar study can be conducted on different settings like community and hospitals, A comparative study can be conducted on knowledge and skills of nurses in government and private hospitals, A similar study can be conducted by true experimental approach, A true experimental study can be conducted by using the STP for educating the paramedical professionals and even special groups like people working in factories, transports etc., An exploratory study can be done to assess the knowledge and practice of staff nurses regarding basic life support.