Effect of Supplementation of Poha Mill Waste on Dressing Percentage, Sensory and Economics of Grampriya Poultry Birds
1Department of Animal Husbandry and dairy Science, COA, Latur, India
2Department of Animal Husbandry and dairy Science, COA, Wadala, India
3Department of Animal Husbandry and dairy Science, COA, Dhule, India
*Corresponding author
A study was conducted for the estimation of Effect of Supplementation of poha Mill Waste on Dressing percentage, sensory and economics of Grampriya Poultry birds. The average dressing percentage among different treatment groups varied between 68.21% and 70.75%. A significant difference found among all the treatment groups. The maximum dressing yield was observed in T3 bird fed 10% PMW (70.75%), followed by T2 i.e. 5% PMW (69.31), T4 i.e. 15% PMW (69.18) and lowest dressing yield i.e. 68.21% was found in control.Sensory scores for appearance and colour, tenderness, flavour, juiciness, texture and overall acceptability for the 10 per cent Poha Mill Waste group were higher than the other group. statistically no significant (P<0.05) difference was noticed between the treatments for different parameters viz., appearance and colour, flavor and and overall acceptability However, statistically shows significant (P<0.05) difference was noticed between the treatments for different parameters viz., tenderness, juiciness and texture. The maximum overall acceptability was observed in T3 bird fed 10% PMW (8.76), followed by T4 i.e. 15% PMW (8.34), T2 i.e. 5% PMW (8.23) and lowest i.e. 7.95 was found in control. The net cost of production per bird was Rs. 176.68, 173.12, 173.64 and 179.30 for treatment groups T1, T2, T3 and T4 respectively. By considering the selling price of broilers at Rs.150 per kg on live body weight basis, the net profit per kg were Rs. 26.94, 38.43, 62.38, and 40.42 for the treatment T1, T2, T3 and T4.
Keywords: Dressing percentage, sensory, economics, Poha Mill Waste, Grampriya poultry
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Barkade Sangram Laxman, D. S. Chauhan, B. S. Gaikwad, S. B. Sutar and Dabhekar, A. G. 2024. Effect of Supplementation of Poha Mill Waste on Dressing Percentage, Sensory and Economics of Grampriya Poultry Birds.
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 13(10): 116-121. doi: