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Original Research Articles                      Volume : 11, Issue:11, November, 2022

PRINT ISSN : 2319-7692
Online ISSN : 2319-7706
Issues : 12 per year
Publisher : Excellent Publishers
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Editor-in-chief: Dr.M.Prakash
Index Copernicus ICV 2018: 95.39
NAAS RATING 2020: 5.38

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci.2022.11(11): 255-271

The Influence of Biogumus on the Quality of Cucumber Plants and the Properties of the Nutrient Environment
N. A. Khujamshukurov1,2*, Sh. A. Eshkobilov1, S. M. Aliqulov2, N. K. Ro’zmetova3, D. X. Kuchkarova4, Saba Siddiqui5, Monowar Alam Khalid5 and Yu. G. Bazarnova6
1Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Uzbekistan, 2Research Institute of Plant Genetic Resources, Uzbekistan, Khorezm Academy of Mamun, Uzbekistan, 3Tashkent University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Uzbekistan, 4Integral University, Lucknow, India, 5Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russian Federation
*Corresponding author

The present study shows the importance of vermicompost when growing cucumbers in greenhouse conditions. In particular, it was noted that biohumus is significantly superior to traditional components widely used in seedling cultivation in terms of the amount of nutrients and other indicators. In the course of the research, the results of an agrochemical analysis of the initial soil mixture, the composition of manure and biohumus for the main nutrients before the start of the experiment were obtained: an average three-year increase in nutrients in the substrate (soil-wood shavings) indicators was revealed. The pH value is 7.08, the density of the mixture is 0.43 g/cm3. The smallest amount of nutrients (NPK) in mixtures by options (N-83.8 mg/l, NH4-9.9 mg/l, NO3-73.8 mg/l, P2O5-11.7 mg/l, K2O- 122.9 mg/l, MgO -21.8 mg/l, CaO-57.3 mg/l.) NH4-73.5 mg/l, NO3-532.6 mg/l). l, P2O5-61.3 mg/l, K2O-773.5 mg/l, MgO-84.7 mg/l, CaO-126.0 mg/l.) corresponds to the variant using 100% biohumus. The ratio of nutrients in this option is N-7.2, NH4 -7.4, NO3-7.2, P2O5 -5.2, respectively; K2O-6.3, MgO-3.9, CaO-2.2 were equal. According to different options, a change in the average density of the substrate in 2019-2021 was established. within 0.21-0.50 g/cm3, depending on the amount of applied biohumus. It shows that changing the amount of vermicompost in the substrate does not significantly affect the pH of the substrate. Nutrients in the 10th variant with a biohumus content of 90% are more than the number of nutrients in the 5th variant (40% biohumus content): nitrogen-2.13, phosphorus-1.96, potassium-2.06, magnesium-1.82 and Ca-1.45 times higher. A low rate for nitrogen was observed in the second year of the experiment, and for phosphorus and magnesium in the first year of the experiment. The highest level of potassium and calcium corresponded to the 3rd year of the experience (2021). It is noted that the values of these elements, determined by the composition of the substrate in the 1st-2nd years of the experiment, do not differ sharply from each other. According to the results of agrochemical analysis, the amount of nutrients in the substrate reaches optimal values in initial mixtures containing 30-50% biohumus. Thus, the dynamics of changes in the amount of nitrogen in the substrate when growing cucumber seedlings corresponds to a change in the amount of vermicompost in the mixture, the amount of vermicompost up to 50%, total nitrogen in the mobile form and its N-NH4, which is consumed at later stages of plant development, and the amount of N forms. -NO3 increases. In the following concentrations of vermicompost, the amount of useful nitrogen decreases with an increase in the next time from the day of sowing. The value of the total consumption of phosphorus and potassium in the substrate, corresponding to the period of full development of seedlings, is in the range of 8.0-14.7 mg/l for phosphorus and 45.0-136.1 mg/l for potassium. observed. The use of vermicompost when growing cucumber seedlings stabilizes the agrochemical parameters of the soil in greenhouse conditions, reduces the seedling maturation period, and increases the plant's resistance to fungal diseases. The influence of the amount of heavy metals in the mixture used for growing biohumus was also studied. In the control variant, prepared from a mixture of soil and wood chips in a 1:1 ratio with the use of mineral fertilizers, the mixture containing lead (6.11 mg/kg) and zinc (23.00 mg/kg) appears to be slightly contaminated. The soil is rich in cadmium (0.30 mg/kg) and copper (2.96 mg/kg) and poor in cobalt (0.50 mg/kg) and nickel (0.87 mg/kg), which corresponds to the gradation with average values.

Keywords: Organic agriculture, cucumber, biohumus, heavy metals, gray earth, wood chips

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Khujamshukurov, N. A., Sh. A. Eshkobilov, S. M. Aliqulov, N. K. Ro’zmetova, D. X. Kuchkarova, Saba Siddiqui, Monowar Alam Khalid and Bazarnova, Yu. G. 2022. The Influence of Biogumus on the Quality of Cucumber Plants and the Properties of the Nutrient Environment.Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 11(11): 255-271. doi:
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