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Original Research Articles                      Volume : 11, Issue:11, November, 2022

PRINT ISSN : 2319-7692
Online ISSN : 2319-7706
Issues : 12 per year
Publisher : Excellent Publishers
Email : /
Editor-in-chief: Dr.M.Prakash
Index Copernicus ICV 2018: 95.39
NAAS RATING 2020: 5.38

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci.2022.11(11): 1-12

Nutritional Contribution of Ledermanniella schlechteri Extracted from the Cataracts of the Djoue River in Congo
Roniche Nguie1, 5*, Nadia P. G. Pambou-Tobi1, 2, 3, Michel Gadet Dzondo3, 4, 5, Arnaud W. G Tamba Sompila1, 2, 3, Reyes Herdenn Gampoula1, 2, Michel Elenga1, 5 and Jacques Emmanuel Moussounga1, 2, 3
1National Institute for Research in Engineering Sciences, Innovation and Technology,
Scientific City, Brazzaville, Congo
2Laboratory of Food and Medical Bioprocesses, National Polytechnic School, Marien Ngouabi University, Brazzaville, Congo
3National Polytechnic School, Marien Ngouabi University, Brazzaville, Congo
4Laboratory of Molecular and Sensory Engineering of Foods, ENSP-UMNG, Brazzaville, Congo
5Pole of Excellence in Food and Nutrition, Faculty of Science and Technology, Marien Ngouabi University, Brazzaville, Congo
*Corresponding author

The objective of this study was to analyze the nutritional, mineral and fatty acid composition of a little known and underutilized aquatic plant available locally in the department of Brazzaville, Congo. The analytical methods used for the physicochemical analysis of L. schlechteri were those of the AOAC. The determination of minerals was performed by atomic absorption spectrometry. The gas chromatographic method was used to highlight the fatty acid profile. The results obtained revealed the contents of water, carbohydrates, ash, proteins and lipids respectively 97.5±1.69%, 45.45±1.64%, 13.50±1.24%, 10.7±0.65 % and finally 7.5±0.40%. Regarding the mineral content, the elements identified were calcium (1160 mg) followed by Iron (400 mg), Magnesium (360 mg) and Phosphorus (300 mg). The values of the oil indices gave respectively 1.2± 0.05 mg KOH/g oil for the acid index, 1.55± 0.1 meqO2 /kg oil for the peroxide index, 94.5±1 mg KOH/g oil for the saponification index and 93.3± 0.9% mg KOH/g for the ester index. The fatty acid composition revealed that the saturated fatty acid C16 is in the majority with 43.11% followed by C18 with C18:2w6 at 28.68%, C18:3w3 at 23.24%, C18:1w9 at 2.78% and finally C18:0 at 2.2% in the following order C16>C18w6>C18w3>C18w9>C18.

Keywords: Evaluation,Quality, Nutrients, schlechteri,green vegetable

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How to cite this article:

Roniche Nguie, Nadia P. G. Pambou-Tobi, Michel Gadet Dzondo, Arnaud W. G Tamba Sompila, Reyes Herdenn Gampoula, Michel Elenga and Jacques Emmanuel Moussounga. 2022. Nutritional Contribution of Ledermanniella schlechteri Extracted from the Cataracts of the Djoue River in Congo.Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 11(11): 1-12. doi:
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