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Original Research Articles                      Volume : 9, Issue:9, September, 2020

PRINT ISSN : 2319-7692
Online ISSN : 2319-7706
Issues : 12 per year
Publisher : Excellent Publishers
Email : /
Editor-in-chief: Dr.M.Prakash
Index Copernicus ICV 2018: 95.39
NAAS RATING 2020: 5.38

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci.2020.9(9): 3491-3495

Evaluation of Bio-agents against Different Isolates of Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goid Causing Root Rot in Castor
V. Vekariya1, A. G. Desai2 and G. P. Gangwar2
1Main Oilseed Research Station, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh-362001, Gujarat, India
2Castor - Mustard Research Station, Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University, Sardarkrushinagar - 385506, Gujarat, India
*Corresponding author

The antagonistic efficacy of five different bio-agents viz., Trichoderma viride, Trichoderma harzianum, Trichoderma longibrachiatum, Pseudomonas fluorescens and Bacillus subtilis was tested against 25 isolates of Macrophomina phaseolina causing castor root rot by dual culture techniques under in vitro conditions. Variation in respect of growth inhibition of  M. phaseolina was observed among the bio-agents as well as isolates. Among five bio-agents, significantly maximum mean growth inhibition (53.19 %) was recorded by T. viride followed by T. harzianum (49.81 %) while minimum growth inhibition (26.79 %) was recorded by P. fluorescens followed by B. subtilis (28.66 %). Among different 25 isolates of castor root rot pathogen, significantly maximum mean growth inhibition (35.31 %) was recorded of Mp-25 followed by Mp-7 (32.83 %) which was at par with Mp-10 (32.03 %), Mp-11 (31.98 %) and Mp-12 (31.98 %). Maximum growth inhibition of most of the isolates of M. phaseolina was observed by T. viride except Mp-4, 8, 16, 21 and 24 in which maximum growth inhibited by T. harzianum. Interaction effect of different bio-agents and isolates also showed significant variation in respect of per cent growth inhibition.

Keywords: Macrophomina phaseolina isolates, Castor root rot, Efficacy of bio-agents

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How to cite this article:

Vekariya, P. V., A. G. Desai and Gangwar, G. P. 2020. Evaluation of Bio-agents against Different Isolates of Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goid Causing Root Rot in Castor.Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 9(9): 3491-3495. doi:
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