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Original Research Articles                      Volume : 9, Issue:9, September, 2020

PRINT ISSN : 2319-7692
Online ISSN : 2319-7706
Issues : 12 per year
Publisher : Excellent Publishers
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Editor-in-chief: Dr.M.Prakash
Index Copernicus ICV 2018: 95.39
NAAS RATING 2020: 5.38

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci.2020.9(9): 2524-2531

Performance of Mulberry Varieties for their Suitability in Sericulture
Amanpreet Kaur*, J. S. Brar and Karmjit Singh
Guru Kashi University, Talwandi Sabo (Punjab), India
*Corresponding author

Six varieties of mulberry were compared to study their influence on growth and development of silkworm (Bombyx mori) under laboratory conditions. The total larval duration of B. mori was observed to be 17.0 + 2.3, 19.4 + 2.5, 16.2 + 2.7, 27.0 + 2.4, 24.2 + 3.2 and 26.4 + 2.5 days, respectively on S-1635, S-146, M-5, S-36, V-1 & Pb. local). The results indicated that the varieties were divisible into two groups, on the basis of number of days taken to complete larval stage. The varieties, viz. S-1635, S-146 & M-5 - (G - 1) exhibited fast growth of the silkworms, whereas the varieties, viz. S-36, V-1 & Pb local -(G - 2) demonstrated slow growth of the larvae. The individual instars, fed on mulberry leaves of G-1 cultivars, took lesser number of days than those fed on G-2 cultivars. The average pupal duration of B. mori was observed to be 8.7 + 2.0, 8.5 + 2.0, 9.4 + 2.5, 11.8 + 2.7, 12.5 + 1.7 and 13.5 + 2.6 days, respectively, on S-1635, S-146, M-5, S-36, V-1 and Pb. local. The studies, thus revealed faster development of pupae on G-1 than that on G-2 group of mulberry cultivars. The egg laying period was longer in the females reared on G-1 cultivars than G-2 group of mulberry cultivars, indicative of long oviposition period of females. The mean oviposition period was found to be 7.9 + 2.5, 6.2 + 2.6, 8.5 + 3.5, 4.0+ 2.8, 4.5 + 2.5 and 4.4 days, respectively, on S-1635, S-146, M-5, S-36, V-1 and Pb. local. Further it was observed that, female moths reared on G-1 cultivars, exhibited high fecundity and laid more number of eggs than those raised from G-2 cultivars. The average number of eggs per female were found to be 325 + 10.5, 360 + 6.5, 310 + 5.6, 150 + 9.5, 250 + 5.6, 175 + 4.5, respectively, on S-1635, S-146, M-5, S-36, V-1 and Pb. local. Quick growth and better health of silkworms fed on different mulberry cultivars, also revealed that G-1 cultivars (S-1635, S-146, M-5) were the preferred food hosts.

Keywords: Catkin inflorescence, Oviposition, Fecundity, Sericulture, Longevity, Instars, dfls, chawki rearing

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How to cite this article:

Amanpreet Kaur, J. S. Brar and Karmjit Singh. 2020. Performance of Mulberry Varieties for their Suitability in Sericulture

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 9(9): 2524-2531. doi:
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