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Original Research Articles                      Volume : 9, Issue:8, August, 2020

PRINT ISSN : 2319-7692
Online ISSN : 2319-7706
Issues : 12 per year
Publisher : Excellent Publishers
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Editor-in-chief: Dr.M.Prakash
Index Copernicus ICV 2018: 95.39
NAAS RATING 2020: 5.38

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci.2020.9(8): 135-141

Efficient Alternate Crops and Cropping Systems for Sugarcane
N. O. Sadashivanagowda1*, S. C. Alagundagi1 and B. T. Nadagouda2
1College of Agriculture, Dharwad, Karnataka, India
2College of Agriculture, Vijayapura, University of Agricultural Sciences,
Dharwad-580 005, Karnataka, India
*Corresponding author

A field experiment was conducted at Agricultural Research Station, Hukkeri, (Karnataka) to study the efficient alternate crops and cropping systems for sugarcane during 2018-20. There were 11 treatments involving different cropping systems viz., soybean - sorghum - ridge gourd (T1), pigeon pea + green gram(1:1) - beans (T2), pigeon pea + soybean(1:1) - cowpea (T3), soybean - wheat - groundnut (T4), groundnut - sorghum - sesame (T5),  maize - cabbage - fallow (T6), soybean - wheat - green gram (T7), maize - wheat - sesame (T8), Bt cotton - groundnut (T9),  sugarcane + onion(1:2) (T10) and sugarcane (sole) (T11) replicated thrice and laid out in randomized complete block design. The intercropping treatments were in additive series. For comparison between the crop sequences, the yield of all crops in sequences were converted into sugarcane equivalent yield on price basis. Among the cropping systems, maize-cabbage-fallow system recorded significantly higher sugarcane equivalent yield (179.08 t/ha) and total water use efficiency (199.67 kg/ha-mm) compared to rest of the cropping systems. However, sugarcane + onion intercropping recorded significantly higher (157.91 t/ha and 125.08 kg/ha-mm, respectively) compared to rest of the cropping systems and sugarcane (sole) (111.00 t/ha and 68.64 kg/ha-mm, respectively). The cropping systems involving field crops which were significantly higher over sugarcane (sole) are maize-wheat-sesame (30.65 kg/ha-mm and 117.96 t/ha, respectively), soybean-wheat-groundnut (27.40 kg/ha-mm and 120.24 t/h, respectively), soybean-wheat-green gram (23.05 kg/ha-mm and 107.55 t/ha, respectively) and Bt cotton-groundnut (17.97 kg/ha-mm and 101.71 t/ha, respectively).

Keywords: Alternate crops, Sugarcane, Sugarcane equivalent yield, Water use efficiency

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How to cite this article:

Sadashivanagowda, S. N. O., S. C. Alagundagi and Nadagouda, B. T. 2020. Efficient Alternate Crops and Cropping Systems for Sugarcane.Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 9(8): 135-141. doi:
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