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Original Research Articles                      Volume : 9, Issue:4, April, 2020

PRINT ISSN : 2319-7692
Online ISSN : 2319-7706
Issues : 12 per year
Publisher : Excellent Publishers
Email : /
Editor-in-chief: Dr.M.Prakash
Index Copernicus ICV 2018: 95.39
NAAS RATING 2020: 5.38

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci.2020.9(4): 3152-3161

Getting Sprouts from Mulberry Trees in invitro conditions
Yo. Ya. Mirzaeva1, N. A. Khujamshukurov2* and D. X. Kuchkarova3
1TSAU, 2TCTI, 3TACI (Uzbekistan)
*Corresponding author

This article describes, which is widely used in the production of mulberry trees in Uzbekistan the hybrid of Uzbek mulberry (Oshima I2N2 (Morus bombycis Koidz.) × SANIISH-25 (Morus multicaulis Perr.), obtained by selection Jarariq 9 variety, grafted from Balkhi (Morus alba L.) and Shotut (Morus nigra L.) trees in vitro conditions in standard nutrient medium (MS, DKW, WPM)to get explant and their developing possibilities were analyzed. As a result of the research, the average values (R=0.05) of each mulberry explants were compared to the total samples in standard nutrient medium.In particular, in MS (standard) primary nutrient medium, the average budding time of the explant was 7.8 days (WPM-8.1; DKW-7.8), and the budblossoming of the explant was 46.30% (WPM-59.08; DKW-67, 73), the length of the central point of the buds, 2.92 mm (WPM-1.69; DKW-1.82), the length of the lower growing explant, 0.96 mm (WPM-1.84; DKW-1.33), the lower growing buds were observed 4.99 grains (WPM-3.5; DKW-5.05) and the overall viability of bud was 64.93% (WPM-63.17; DKW-72.74). During the observations, it was noted that the budding time of the explants vary than the blossoming of the bud. In particular, in the hybrid explant of Uzbekistan the length of the central growth point of bud was defined 2.9 mm, which budding time 8,33 hours and in the explant of Jarariq 9 variety 3.37 mm. Also, an average budding time were 7.88 hours, it was observed that the length of the central point of the bud was on average 1.58 mm in the Shotut (Morus nigra L.). The buddingtime of mulberry explants does not affect its central growth point length. According to the results of the analysis, to get explants of Uzbekistan hybrid and Jarariq 9 varieties and for developing them it is defined to effectively use MS, DKW, WPM standard nutrient medium.  For Balkhi (Morus alba L.) and Shotut (Morus nigra L.) varieties, it is noted that the composition modify of MS, DKW, WPM standard nutrient medium.

Keywords: Mulberry (Morus sp.), Micro propagation, in vitro screening, M.bombycis Koidz, M..multicaulis Perr., M. nigra L., M.alba L

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How to cite this article:

Mirzaeva, Yo. Ya., N. A. Khujamshukurov and Kuchkarova, D. X. 2020. Getting Sprouts from Mulberry Trees in invitro conditions.Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 9(4): 3152-3161. doi:
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