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PRINT ISSN : 2319-7692
Online ISSN : 2319-7706 Issues : 12 per year Publisher : Excellent Publishers Email : editorijcmas@gmail.com / submit@ijcmas.com Editor-in-chief: Dr.M.Prakash Index Copernicus ICV 2018: 95.39 NAAS RATING 2020: 5.38 |
The genetics of grain yield and its attributes were studied using diverse cytoplasmic male sterile lines in 144 hybrids developed by crossing six A- and their six B-lines with 12 R-lines of pearl millet in a line x tester mating design. The six A- lines 81A1 and 8A1 (A1), Pb 313A (A2), Pb 402A (A3), 81A4 and 81A5 and their corresponding B- lines represented five different systems of male sterility were very diverse. The 24 parents and the 144 hybrids were grown separately in contiguous blocks in 2r x 2.5 m × 0.45 m in randomized block design with two replications in six environments under natural condition viz., early sown non-cut crop (E1, E4), ratoon crop (E2, E5) and late sown non-cut crop (E3, E6) at Research Farm, CCSHAU, Hisar. The analysis of variance for combining ability revealed that the mean squares due to lines, testers and lines × testers were highly significant when tested against the error mean sum of squares for all the characters in all the environments during both years. The higher magnitude of fixed effect sca variances to that of fixed effect gca variances for all the characters indicated that non-additive gene effects governed the inheritance. The perusal of data with respect to gca effects of lines revealed that 3 (313A) and 9 (313B) representing A2 system of male sterile cytoplasm and fertile cytoplasm combined favourably for grain yield and growth rate, exhibited significant positive gca effects in most of environment including ratoon crop. Lines 4 (402A) and 10 (402B) of A3 system proved good general combiners for 500 grain weight. Lines 5 (81A4 and 81B4)of A4 system showed significant positive gca effects for harvest index, turned to be good general combiner. Tester 17 (77/245) emerged to be good general combiner for grain yield, harvest index and growth rate, exhibited significant positive gca effects in most of environments for these characters. Other testers showed significant positive gca effects for grain yield in most of the environments were 20 (ICR 161), 16 (CSSC46-2) and 23 (77/180). Tester 20 (ICR 161) was also good general combiner for 500 grain weight. The hybrids 1 x 13 (81A1 x H90/4-5), 1 x 14 (81A1 x H77/833-2), 4 x 21 (Pb 402A3 x ISK 48), 9 x 18 (Pb 313B2 x 78/711), 3 x 18 (Pb 313A2 x 78/711), 11 x 18 (81B4 x 78/711), 12 x 16 (81B5 x CSSC 46-2), 7 x 21 (81B1 x ISK 48) showed significant positive sca effects for grain yield and one or more characters in most of the entrainments. The hybrids 1 x 13 (81A1 x H90/4-5), 1 x 14 (81A1 x H77/833-2), 9 x 13 (313B2 x H90/4-5) and 12 x 16 (81B5 x CSSC46-2) performed better on the basis of per se, sca effects including ratoon crop indicating their hope for sustainable dual purpose pearl millet production in harsh environments and can be recombined to develop base population for improvement for ratoonability by cyclic breeding.
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