PRINT ISSN : 2319-7692
Online ISSN : 2319-7706 Issues : 12 per year Publisher : Excellent Publishers Email : editorijcmas@gmail.com / submit@ijcmas.com Editor-in-chief: Dr.M.Prakash Index Copernicus ICV 2018: 95.39 NAAS RATING 2020: 5.38 |
An investigation was conducted during 2017-2018, to study the effect of organic inputs on vegetative and floral attributes of chrysanthemum cv. Snowball. The treatments comprising of T1:Recommended dose of NPK@30:30:30 gm-2 + FYM (4kg m-2); T2: Rock Phosphate + Microbial Consortium; T3: T2+Vermicompost (2.5 t ha-1); T4: T2+Vermicompost (5t ha-1); T5: T2+Compost (2.5 t ha-1); T6 : T2+Compost (5 t
ha-1); T7: Enriched compost (2.5t ha-1) and T8: Enriched compost (5t ha-1). Among the treatments applied maximum height (112.33cm), number of leaves (59.67), leaf area (88.00cm2), stem thickness (1.33cm) were recorded in Rock Phosphate + Microbial Consortium+ Vermicompost (5t ha-1) at all stages of plant growth. With respect to flowering, application of Rock Phosphate + Microbial Consortium+ Vermicompost (5t ha-1) was found best as it resulted in bud visibility in minimum days (48.33days), days to half bloom (82.00days), days to full bloom (87.67 days), maximum flower stalk length (33.67cm), size of flower (17.33cm) and weight of flower (64.78g). Maximum duration of flowering (25.74days), self-life (18.67 days) and vase life(17.33days).Thus, it can be concluded from the findings that application of Rock Phosphate + Microbial Consortium+ Vermicompost (5t ha-1) can be recommended for commercial cultivation of chrysanthemum cv. Snowball.