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Original Research Articles                      Volume : 8, Issue:7, July, 2019

PRINT ISSN : 2319-7692
Online ISSN : 2319-7706
Issues : 12 per year
Publisher : Excellent Publishers
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Editor-in-chief: Dr.M.Prakash
Index Copernicus ICV 2018: 95.39
NAAS RATING 2020: 5.38

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci.2019.8(7): 2717-2723

Assessment of Feeding Practices and Nutritional Status of Lactating Buffaloes in Charkhi Dadri District of Haryana
Ramsawroop*, V.S. Panwar, Pawan Kumar and B.S. Tewatia
Department of Animal nutrition LUVAS Hisar, Haryana, India
*Corresponding author

An extensive survey was carried out to record feeding practices and nutritional status of lactating buffaloes in Charkhi Dadri district of Haryana state. The survey was conducted during rabi season (January, 2019 - February, 2019). Twelve villages, representing all the blocks of the district were selected for this survey. Samples of feeds, fodder, milk, hair and blood were collected from five families from each category of farmers i.e. belonging to landless category and farmers with land holding in a village. Thus a total of 120 lactating buffaloes were selected for the study. The survey data revealed that in rabi season, berseem was the most preferred green fodder (73.3% farmers) fed by farmers of Charkhi Dadri followed by oat fodder and grasses. Among dry roughages, wheat straw was fed by majority of farmers (90.8%) in the district. Rice straw and bajra kadbi were also being used by farmers depending on availability in the area. Comparatively higher percentage of farmers belonging to landless category was using bajra kadbi. Wheat grain was the most popular as source of energy and was used by 76.7% of buffalo owners followed by bajra grain (44.2 %). As protein sources, cotton seed cake and cotton seed were being used by 75% and 47.5% of buffalo owners of landless and farmers with land holding categories, respectively. Comparatively a higher percentage of farmers with land holding (68.3%) were using cotton seeds. Similarly higher percentage of farmers with land holding was using cotton seed cake too. Very few respondents were providing mineral mixture (17.5%) and common salt (13.3%) to their animals in the district. Results showed that average body weight and milk yield of buffaloes of farmers with land holding was 515.27 kg and 11.49 kg per day, respectively which is higher than buffaloes kept by landless farmers (495.10 kg and 8.62 kg/day). Average CP intake of buffaloes of land less farmers was 1.26 kg/day which was 6.67% less than the requirements, whereas, buffaloes of farmers with land holding were receiving 1.67 kg CP per day which is 3.08 % more than the requirement. Furthermore, 68.3% and 20% buffaloes of landless farmers and farmers with land holding respectively were receiving less crude protein than required. Average daily TDN intake by buffaloes of landless farmers and farmers with land holding was 7.36 and 8.49 kg, respectively. Daily TDN intake was 0.83% and 1.90% more than requirement in case of landless farmers and farmers with land holding category respectively. However, 51.7% and 31.7% of buffaloes of landless farmers and farmers with land holding were receiving less TDN than their requirement respectively. This imbalance feeding was mainly due to lack of knowledge and awareness among farmers regarding composition of feeds and nutrient requirements of the animals.

Keywords: Survey, Buffaloes, Feeding practices, Nutritional status

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How to cite this article:

Ramsawroop, V.S. Panwar, Pawan Kumar and Tewatia, B.S. 2019. Assessment of Feeding Practices and Nutritional Status of Lactating Buffaloes in Charkhi Dadri District of Haryana.Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 8(7): 2717-2723. doi:
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