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Original Research Articles                      Volume : 7, Issue:10, October, 2018

PRINT ISSN : 2319-7692
Online ISSN : 2319-7706
Issues : 12 per year
Publisher : Excellent Publishers
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Editor-in-chief: Dr.M.Prakash
Index Copernicus ICV 2018: 95.39
NAAS RATING 2020: 5.38

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci.2018.7(10): 498-506

Evaluation of Tomato Cultivars for Yield, Profitand Quality Performance in an Organic Management System in North Western Himalayas, India
D.K. Parmar, D.R. Thakur, R.S. Jamwal and Gurudevsingh
CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidayalaya, Hill Agricultural Research and Extension Centre, Bajaura 175125, District Kullu, India
*Corresponding author

To study the performance of different tomato cultivars under organic regimes, an experiment was conducted from 2013 – 2015at the experimental farm of the Himachal Pradesh Agricultural University, Hill Agricultural Research and Extension Centre, Kullu, India. Among different cultivars, Sioux variety took maximum days (74) from transplanting to first harvest and HeemSohna hybrid took minimum time of 67.2 days. The maximum plant height was observed in hybrid RK 123 (100.6 cm) followed by Best of all (100.3 cm). The minimum height was recorded for Sioux (83.9 cm). The Red gold hybrid recorded significantly highest number of fruits per plant (25.9) followed by RK 123 (20.0). The Red Gold hybrid had greater fruit size (29.0 cm2) followed by RK 123 (26.4 cm2), HeemSohna (24.6 cm2), Palam Pink (23.3 cm2) and Mar Globe (22.9 cm2), whereas the fruit size of Best of All (18.8 cm2) and Naveen 2000 (19.2 cm2) was minimum. Some of the entries of tomato namely RK 123, Manisha, Best of all Yash, Naveen 2000, Red Gold hybrid recorded highest but similar TSS content as compared to rest of the hybrids/varieties. All hybrids had highest but statistically similar acidity ranging from 0.54-0.58 g/100 ml of juice but varieties recorded significantly lower value of acidity (0.41-0.46 g/100 ml of juice). The ascorbic acid contents within hybrids and varieties were identical, though hybrids recorded higher ascorbic acid values (18.53-22.08 g/100 ml of juice) than varieties (11.53- 14.52 g/100ml of juice). The hybrids contained lower carotene and lycopene as compared to varieties. The hybrid Manisha recorded minimum carotene and lycopene content (5.25 mg/100 g of fruit and 3.90 mg/100 g of fruit) and highest was in Best of All variety (9.51 mg/100 g and 6.38 mg/100 g of fruit). Red Gold hybrid produced maximum tomato fruits (143.7 q/ha) and minimum fruit yield was recorded for Best of all (33.7 q/ha) and Marglobe (34.7 q/ha). Significantly higher profit and B: C was observed in case of Red Gold hybrid (rupees 259685/ha and 1.37) followed by RK 123 (rupees 186497/ha and 0.99), however, rest of the entries were found to be non-profitable.

Keywords: Tomato cultivars, Yield, Prifit, Quality, Organic management, North western Himalayas, India

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How to cite this article:

Parmar, D.K., D.R. Thakur, R.S. Jamwal and Gurudevsingh. 2018. Evaluation of Tomato Cultivars for Yield, Profitand Quality Performance in an Organic Management System in North Western Himalayas, India.Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 7(10): 498-506. doi:
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