International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences
ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 2 Number 10 (2013) pp. 215-223
Environmental Epidemiology An emerging proposal to reduce nosocomial infections
Jesús Carlos Ruvalcaba Ledezma1* and Sandra Yazmín Cortés Ascencio2
1PhD of Public Health Sciences, Professor full-time Research,academic area of medicine, Professor in the Master of Public Health and Coordinator of the Master of Health Sciences with Emphasis in Public Health(ICSa-UAEH), Institute ofHealth Sciences- Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo.MasterTeacher(UAD)Clinical Nutrition and Professor Bachelor of Nursing in University La SallePachucaHidalgo, Mexico. 2Master in Health Sciences, Research Professor in the Bachelor of Nursing Pachuca Hidalgo La Salle University and PhD Student in Environmental Sciences (ICBI-UAEH) Institute of Basic Sciences and Engineering, Autonomous University of Hidalgo, Pachuca Hidalgo, Mexico
Environmental epidemiology is a further need in the control of nosocomial infections, poor environmental quality aero microbiological tertiary hospital is one of the possibilities of posing a risk to trigger nosocomial infections, usually clinical epidemiology and surveillance does not obey a represents the environmental reality from aerosols, samples are only surfaces, air conditioning and patient records, this allows the identification of the risks arising from the presence and distribution of microorganisms transported aircraft, microbiological volume calculation transportado/m3 , knowledge of their resistance profiles anlos microbes and heavy metals. Deficient aero-microbiological environmental quality at a third level hospital constitutes one of the possibilities of presenting risks to trigger nosocomial infections, epidemiological surveillance and environmental epidemiology, both, represent a real, additional and necessary towards inter hospital epidemiological surveillance which normally its carried out in hospitals independently of the hospital level. The environmental surveillance is a necessity that allows tracking of bioaerosol variables within wards and anticipate risks and the presence of nosocomial infections, allows for correlation between environmental microorganisms and carrying the patient. The hospital aerosol monitoring, study or environmental surveillance allowed to interfere in the reduction of nosocomial infections in the generation of control strategies and ensure sanitary hygiene controlled environment to improve the quality of care for people or users of the medical services.
Environmental quality; aero- microbiological; nosocomial infections; environmental epidemiology; quality of attention.